Aux chercheurs en ESS et sujets connexes

Modifié le 6 octobre 2021.

Aux chercheurs en ESS et sujets connexes : « The Independant Social Research Foundation (ISRF) seeks to fund innovative research which breaks with existing explanatory frameworks so as to address afresh empirical problems with no currently adequate theory or investigative methodology.
Innovation may also come from controversial theoretical approaches motivated by critical challenge of incumbent theories. Interdisciplinarity in the generation of new investigative initiatives may be achieved by combining and transforming empirical methods and theoretical insights from the social sciences. Projects ranging across the breadth of the social scientific disciplines and interdisciplinary research fields are welcome, and relevant applications from scholars working within the humanities and the natural sciences are also encouraged.”

Independant Social Research Foundation ISRF
Independant Social Research Foundation ISRF

Voici les liens pour les différents types de financement :  (climate change : RIODD ; critical mangement study; interdisciplinary)

Les post-doctorant.e.s et collègues français.e.s étant très sous-représenté.e.s dans les candidatures, la Fondation souhaiterait remédier à cette situation.

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