Ethical rules applicable to authors


All manuscript submissions that do not comply with these ethical rules will not be considered and may be subject to legal action.

Please note that in addition to the ethical rules applicable to authors, the editorial team applies the professional rules adopted by the Fédération Nationale de la Presse d’Information Spécialisée (FNSP).

List of authors

The list of authors is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the text. All authors must be listed, in alphabetical order or according to their degree of involvement in the article (whichever they choose). The list of authors must be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, implementation or interpretation of the study presented in the text submitted to the journal or to the drafting of this text.

The author in contact with the publication must ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the text to be published.

Conflicts of interest

Authors must declare any conflict of interest in relation to the manuscript submitted for evaluation. All sources of non-public funding for the research presented in the submitted text must be explicitly mentioned.


Any author who discovers, after publication, a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her own work must inform the journal’s editorial board without delay and cooperate with the board in publishing an erratum or withdrawing the article.

Author policy on AI

Authors are permitted to use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the pre-submission writing process, but only to improve the language and readability of their article and with appropriate disclosure.

This information will be indicated at the bottom of the article, in a separate section before the list of references.

Policies relating to research data

Authors undertake to respect the anonymity of the persons referred to, or to obtain their explicit agreement.

Checking references and plagiarism

The Editorial Board checks the works and articles cited. It may decide to cancel publication of a manuscript that is too incomplete, or add bibliographical references and sources that have been omitted or could cause confusion.

The Editorial Board also works in partnership with Professor Michelle Bergadaà to combat plagiarism. Articles are checked for originality and duplication using automated detection tools.
In this respect, LaRSG follows the guidelines of the Institute for Research and Action on Academic Fraud and Plagiarism (IRAFPA).

Manipulation and falsification/fabrication of data

Any manuscript, prior to publication and regardless of the evaluators’ prior opinion, whose verification of sources or bibliography leads to doubts about the originality of the text, or which presents risks of manipulation of quotations and falsification/fabrication of data, among others, will – without the need to demonstrate anything else – be definitively eliminated from publication by the Director of Publication by virtue of the latter’s obligations in terms of press law.

Multiple, redundant or simultaneous publication

When authors submit an article to the journal, this implies that :

  • the work described has never been published before, except in the form of a summary at a conference, for example.
  • it is not a secondary publication, using the same data and the same interpretation as another main document, except in the case of university theses or unpublished reports. The main reference must then be cited.
  • the article must not have been submitted to another publication before the final opinion of the Editorial Board. The editorial board will cancel any publication process for an article, even an advanced one, if it has proof that it has been submitted to another journal.
  • the publication of the article is approved by all the authors and tacitly or explicitly by the authorities responsible for the place where the work was carried out.
  • In the event of acceptance, the article will not be published elsewhere, in French or in any other language, including electronically, without the written consent of the copyright holder.

Première revue francophone de management – Revue gestion REVUE GESTION Revues de Gestion