2nd International Symposium for Finance, Banking and Insurance, ISFBI’22, France, December 2022

Modifié le 11 avril 2022.

Covid-19 pandemic crisis has becoming a major worldwide economic crisis. Researchers and practitioners are now questioning the new world overwhelming their fields of research and industry practices. With a historical low rates levels in the western economies, an exponential unemployment, a negative price for oil barrel and a growing number of companies defaults in key industries, finance -as a disciplinary field- is pushed at its further burdens. Transformation of the whole banking and insurance industry is getting accelerated by the double effect of this unexpected crisis and the growing competition of FinTechs and BigTechs. Central Banks are also in a crossroad: is there a space to classical monetary policy when even money creation is challenged by cryptocurrencies?


2nd ISFBI-International Symposium for Finance, Banking and Insurance is also an opportunity to open doors to new challenging fields insufficiently covered by top financial journals and conferences like technological innovations and smart applications in financial Economics, various alternative business models in finance, Digitalization, and the increasing co-influence between finance, accounting and risk management. The last ambition behind ISFBI is to fill the gap between finance -as a core discipline- and other related expertise especially banking and insurance. These two last fields developed their own ecosystem of competencies and know-how and are not sufficiently integrated in the core finance journals and conferences.

ISFBI 2nd edition, is committed to be a core finance interdisciplinary event, open to academia and practitioners as well, to deal with the unprecedented challenges of our times.

Conference Scope

ISFBI is expecting to host high level contributions from academia and from industry as well on these core subjects:

  • Financial Markets
  • Corporate finance
  • Technological innovations, IT and Smart applications
  • Risk management, especially dedicated techniques for banking and insurance
  • Governance of financial institutions in time of crisis
  • Impact of accounting evolving norms and rules on financial management
  • New modelling and forecasting tools for finance, banking and insurance
  • FinTech and BigTech existing and prospective impacts on financial markets, banking and insurance industry
  • Cryptocurrencies and central banking digital currencies impacts on markets and on monetary policy

A separate PhD Workshop is proposed by Conference Chairs. The first page must mention Special Workshop. The objective is to help students to write scientific papers from their PhD chapters.

Publications Opportunities

Articles will be in special issues:

1. Annals of Operations Research, https://www.editorialmanager.com/anor/

2. La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, see guidelines www.LaRSG.fr

3. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, website is: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jrfm/special_issues/Risk_Management_and_Pricing_Assets_within_Market_Imperfections

Keynote & Honorary Guest Speakers

  • Pr. Giovanni Barone-Adesi, University of Lugano & Swiss Finance Institute, Switzerland
  • Pr. Oldrich Alfons Vasicek, University of Rochester, the UC Berkeley, USA
  • Pr. Ephraim Clark, Middlesex University, UK
  • Pr. M. Rocha Armada, Former Chairman of EFMA, University of Minho, Portugal
  • Pr. Aman Agarwal, Indian Institute of Finance & Finance India, INDIA
  • Pr. Farid Aitsahlia, University of Florida, USA
  • Dr. Achraf Ayadi, Banking Expert (private sector), FRANCE

Honorary Committee

Pr. Gordon Alexander (University of Minnesota, USA)Pr. Bora Aktan (University of Bahrain, Bahrain)
Pr. Ephraim Clark (Middlesex University, UK)Pr. K.C. Chen (California State University, USA)
Pr. Georges Constantinides (University of Chicago, USA)Pr. Dilip Gosh (Rutgers University, USA)

Conference Chairs

Pr. Mondher Bellalah & Pr. Jean-Luc Prigent (CY Cergy Paris University), Pr. Ilyes Abid (ISC Paris)

Scientific Committee

G. Barone-Adesi ; E. Briys ; Giovanni Barone ; Y. Simon ; S. Tahi ; H. Bouakkez ; B. Jacquillat ; J. L. Prigent ; S. Ben Aïssa ; G. Constantinides ; J. L. Prigent ; F. Quittard-Pinon

  • Submission Guidelines, Reviewing Process & Best Three Papers Awards

Authors are invited to submit in word or pdf files on the conference website (coming soon) and by e-mail to Conference Chair: mondher.bellalah@gmail.com.

All submitted articles will be reviewed. The best three papers will be awarded at the conference. The conference chair and the scientific committee will decide the best three papers presented during the conference. The maximum number of papers accepted by each author as leading author is only one.

Important Dates: Deadline for paper submission: September  30th, 2022 Acceptance / Rejection: October 15, 2022 Definitive camera-ready version & Registration of Authors: December 2, 2022

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